Here is a collection of links to NBC7 & SDUT coverage of the Cocos...
San Elijo Life
Arts and cultural grant applications are currently being accepted by the San Marcos Community...
Nineteen San Marcos Middle School 8th graders have been working very hard in preparation...
Easter Brunch at St. Mark Golf Club Hop on over to The Grill at...
TECH TEACHER BRINGS KIDS TOGETHER OVER ‘SMART TABLE’ Technology students design programs for special-needs...
San Elijo Albertsons Customer Appreciation Days Saturday and Sunday March 14th & 15th 11am-3pm Come and Join the...
Trial starts for teen accused in Cocos fire SAN DIEGO — On two consecutive...
Community-Oriented Veterinary Care is Coming to San Elijo! Opening Thursday, March 12th 2015, Advanced...
San Marcos Trails Damaged In Cocos Fire Reopened The hills above San Marcos, showing the...