San Marcos, CA – Mayor Jim Desmond will deliver the 2008 State of the...
San Elijo Life
At the February 12th San Marcos City Council Meeting council member and San Elijo...
Traditional businesses hurt by roadside sellers, City to step up code enforcement San Marcos,...
Looking to do some post holiday cleaning or find some treasure click here to...
Book Mobile 4PM-6PM February 7th and February 21st at San Elijo Hills Visitor Center...
San Marcos, CA City officials are encouraging residents to get involved and make a...
San Marcos, CA – The City of San Marcos is providing free sand bags...
Elementary facility’s opening spurs talks By Linda Lou UNION-TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER January 26, 2008...
San Marcos, CA – The City of San Marcos is encouraging residents to take...
According to one miffed parent, a vice-principal at the San Elijo Middle School in...