By Vic Armijo Last year former elite triathlete Kenny Souza—now a full-time employee...
San Elijo Hills News
“In the Park After Dark” film series continues with a showing of the animated...
Crest View Rattle Snake San Elijo Hills it’s snake season, These picture were taken...
Professional singer offering voice lessons. All ages/styles Flexible schedule 760.744.2227 and…. Notary Services...
Dear Dalia, I’m budgeting and planning our summer family vacation. Should we go to...
San Elijo Life Just noticed that Vision Airlines will finally starte service from Carlsbad...
A public workshop will take place Thusday, June 7th 2007 6:30 PM at San...
Housing market decline forces some big builders to sell land bought during boom By...
San Elijo Life has recived another tip from a reader: Mr. Taco is advertising...