The main topics of SEH Board meeting 5.3.2007 : SEH is financially fit (Treasurer’s...
San Elijo Hills News
Road will provide easier way to reach city By Linda Lou UNION-TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER...
Source: San Diego Daily Transcript Fri Apr 27, 2007 Beazer Homes USA Inc. (NYSE:...
San Elijo Chevron held a grand opening celebration, April 27th and 28th residents and...
San Elijo Life found this rendering posted on the fence at the...
The next general HOA meeting to be Tuesday May 3rd at San Elijo Middle...
By Pat Sherman San Diego Union Trubune April 18, 2007 ELFIN FOREST – In the video,...
Blendz, a smoothie, panini, soup and salad shop, signed a five-year lease for $216,010...
San Elijo Chevron will hold a grand opening celebration Friday and Saturday April 27th...
By Linda Lou UNION-TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER April 5, 2007 SAN MARCOS – Soon, San...