San Elijo Hills Community Association Spring Events BUNNYPALOOZA: Saturday, March 23rd, 9:00AM-11:00AM Hippity Hop...
Upcoming Events
Easter is right around the corner and there is a new church in San...
San Elijo Elementary Country Fair make the San Diego UT San Elijo Hills event brings...
Our amazing community strikes again with a great opportunity for San Elijo Elementary (SEES)!...
SAN MARCOS, CA The Spring Kick-Off Event at the San Marcos Farmers’ Market...
SPRING BREAK CAMP 2013 Hitting ● Base Running ● Fielding ● Pitching ● Throwing...
San Elijo Elementary PTO would like to invite the whole community to join us...
San Elijo Elementary PTO would like to invite the whole community to join us...
San Elijo Hills Association Updates San Elijo Hills Mardi Gras Masquerade: Thursday, February 21stThe...
The San Elijo Hills Community Association would like to cordially invite our San Elijo...