English Horseback Riding Lessons at Liz Bolton Stables Introductory offer for San Elijo Hills Residents 3...
4th Annual Kickin Cancer from the fairways Golf Tournament Benefiting The American Cancer Society...
Tuesday – Scrip Order forms Due in PTO drop box, located by the front office. Wednesday – Father/Daughter Dance...
You are invited to: AYSO Matrix – San Elijo Boys and Girls Competitive Soccer...
City officials announced today that they have received the environmental permits necessary to move...
This month I was saddened by the loss of Mr. Curt Noland, President and...
BREAKING NEWS The City of San Marcos has been issued the Army Corp of...
The San Marcos Community Foundation (Foundation) has $6,000 to award under its Arts and...
The hustle and bustle of the holiday season has come to a close and...
Labels for Education on Facebook! Just go to facebook.com/LabelsForEducation and SEES will earn 50 points...