Children’s Physicians Medical Group (CPMG), in partnership with SDSU, is giving away 5 new...
Medication While on Vacation There’s still plenty of summer left, and if you or...
Having a healthy body image can be tough for teens, especially during the summer...
Measles Has Not Gone Away Keeping our kids protected from childhood diseases is the...
The summer sun will be here before we know it, so now’s a good...
Is That Sore Throat Really Strep Throat? Even though Spring is in the air,...
As Preteen Vaccine Week continues, it’s the perfect time to make sure their immunizations...
Just in case you didn’t catch it in the news, CPMG wanted to make...
As soon as the temperature drops outside, we all start cranking up the heat...
There are many sources for kids’ health information on the internet, but how do...