City of San Marcos Fall Hikes 2015 Saturday September 5th San Elijo Hills Park...
Following is a list of important announcements and upcoming events for The San Elijo...
Have you ever wanted to try trail running but were afraid to start? Trail...
Join our new trail running program! Have you ever wanted to try trail running...
San Marcos Trails Damaged In Cocos Fire Reopened The hills above San Marcos, showing the...
Double Peak and Ridgeline trails to reopen in San Marcos. Ribbon cutting ceremony scheduled...
San Diegan leads active life as a trail runner | Subject: Dax Ross...
Following is a list of important announcements and upcoming events for The San Elijo...
The City of San Marcos will lead a hike of the Sunset Trail and Lake...
Help clean up San Elijo Hills Trails Meeting Place: Saturday Sept. 20th 9:00...