January 17, 2025

Most recent San Elijo Hills Community Association HOA Updates:

San Elijo Hills Election Results

In accordance with Section 13(k) of the San Elijo Hills Election Rules and Procedures, we are pleased to announce that the following Members were elected to the Board of Directors during the Annual Meeting of Neighborhoods: Laura Fratilla (2-year term), Lindsay Bonner-Smith (2-year term), and Michael Quinn (2-year term).

Board members, Halé Richardson, and Elliot Herman will continue to serve on the Board for the remaining year on their terms. There were also some new Neighborhood Representatives elected. If you are unsure of whom your Neighborhood Representative is, please contact Walters Management at 760-431-2522.

Thank you to all of our homeowners who participated in the election process! We want to recognize outgoing Board Member Katherine Bond for her hard work, dedication, and passion for the community. Thank you, Katherine!

Holiday Closures

In observance of the upcoming holidays, the San Elijo Hills Onsite office and Walters Management offices will be closed on Monday, December 24, 2018, through Tuesday, January 1, 2019. Emails and phone messages will be periodically checked throughout this time.  If you have an emergency, please call Walters Management at (858) 495-0900 and our on-call staff will address your emergency immediately. Have a happy holiday season!


The Holiday season is upon us! Food, shopping, and school breaks (how are you going to get your shopping done?!) are most likely on your mind. Parking may not be on your radar. Additional parking for guests during the Holidays on top of your current parking situation can always be a challenge. Not only is this a good time to think about where to put all those cars, but to consider the Association’s rules and year-round parking issues within the community.

• Streets become more crowded when garages and driveways are not utilized for parking. Vehicles should be parked in available garage space first, then parked in the driveway, and then, if necessary, parked in the street.
• Garages shall be used for vehicles and other personal storage only.
• (Section 8.6): No trailer, camper, boat, recreation vehicle, commercial vehicle or similar equipment shall hereafter be permitted to remain upon the property (unless placed or maintained within an enclosed garage) nor permitted to be parked on any street, whether public or private, alley or community common area or project common area within the San Elijo Hills Community other than temporarily for purposes of loading, unloading or cleaning.

Pet Waste

Please pick up after your pets and remind your children to do so as well if they are responsible for the dog-walking duties. Don’t forget those common areas next to homes! Pet waste is probably the #1 complaint amongst our residents, so please be diligent and keep San Elijo Hills looking and smelling beautiful!

Trash Cans

We appreciate a majority of the homeowners that ensure trash cans are brought in and out on a regular basis! Please remember that trash cans must be stored behind the side yard fence or in garages. Containers may not be placed outside for pick up before 6:00 p.m. on the day prior to service and must be removed no later than 9:00 p.m. the evening of pick up. In addition, homeowners may not put trash in receptacles that do not belong to them. Trash is collected in San Elijo Hills on Thursdays. Thank you for your efforts!


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**Since 2006 SanElijoLife.com provides community news, photos, videos, and a directory of resources for residents of San Elijo Hills. The site is independent of the developer and the HOA and is run by local homeowners.