February 15, 2025

Dear Neighbors,

The judge overseeing SDG&E’s request to build new power lines through our community has issued his recommendation in favor of SDG&E.  We are now one step away from construction beginning.   The last step in this process requires the five CPUC Commissioners to vote on the judge’s recommendation.

We have until August 25 to provide our last round of comments on SDG&E’s request.

This time our input goes directly to the Commissioners and can be more personal.

We hope each of you will submit a comment.  You can enter your comment directly on the website or attach a pdf.  You may resubmit all or part of your comments from last year but if you do please address it directly to the CPUC Commissioners and change the date.  If you did not send a comment previously, this is your last opportunity.  Here is the link to submit comments:


Once there, click the “Public Comments’ tab along the top and you will be at the Public Comment page.

Rather than forcing the Commissioners into a simple up or down vote to either approve or deny this project we believe requesting an EIR is still the best option.  Also mention personal stories regarding wildfires including canceled or higher fire insurance, impact on property value and aesthetics, or any other power line related concern.

Our website, sanmarcospowerlines.com is being updated to reflect our current situation so visit it for further information over the coming days.

This is our last chance to make our voices heard.


SDG&E Power Line Committee