Due to the recent general election, Vallecitos has a vacancy on its Board of Directors. The Vallecitos Water District is currently seeking a new Division 4 Director to sit on the Board of Directors and assist in setting policy and direction for the public agency.
Eligible persons interested in being appointed as a Director to fill the vacancy must submit a letter of interest to the Vallecitos Water District, 201 Vallecitos de Oro, San Marcos, CA 92069, Attention: Anthony Flores, Senior Executive Assistant. The letter must state the qualifications of the applicant and the reasons the applicant desires to be appointed to the Board. Applications will be accepted by mail; by e-mail to [email protected]; or by hand delivery during the District’s office hours.
The formal “Notice of Vacancy” with additional requirements and the geographic boundary are attached. A map of the District’s Division’s can be found here: https://bit.ly/VWDdivisionmap .