March 26, 2025

The average home selling price in July 2023 in San Elijo Hills was $1,555,772 and closed for 101% of the listing price. The average July market time was 18 days.

The average price per square foot in July was $519. Currently, only 12 homes are for sale in San Elijo Hills, and 8 homes are pending in escrow, with 9 homes selling in July. Here is a link to study the entire zip code of 92078

8 HOMES FOR SALE IN SAN ELIJO HILLS. This link is live and will update as homes come on the market—a great time to sell with limited competition. 

Are you curious about the new value of your San Elijo Hills home in this current market? I recommend Homebot to track your home’s value and build wealth with your home and your real estate investments or vacation home. 

If you or someone you know is considering making a move, please call/text Ed Philbrick at 760 496-8134 or Book Consultation Online
E: [email protected]
Edward Philbrick: REALTOR Lic #01967137

Coastal Premier Properties Lic #01882160