February 15, 2025

Dear Residents:

San Elijo Hills HOA – Year in Review


Thank you for another great year in San Elijo Hills! We are so thankful to you – our community – for making this an incredible place to live, work, play, and call ours. It was another productive year for your HOA Board of Directors, and we are happy to report on the following successes:

  •   San Elijo Park Improvements
    o TheBoardcontinuestoworkwiththeSanElijoHillsFoundationandsupport

    their efforts to construct new amenities at the park for our residents.

  •   Community Security Patrol

o Securitashasbeencontractedtoprovideadedicated,roamingsecurityofficer

for San Elijo Hills. Their primary objective is to patrol the community and its parks for suspicious activity, make contact with individuals when necessary, and provide holiday and vacation checks for residents. Their hours are 7:00 pm – 3:30 am daily. The security officer can be reached directly at 541-780-4196.

o Asareminder,QuesthavenParkhoursaredusktodawn.Eventhoughcurfewin San Marcos is 11pm, there should not be any congregating at the park after dusk.

 Water Conservation Committee (WCC) & Landscape Committee (LC)
o TheWCChasbeenusingitsnewcomprehensivemanagementreportstobetter

analyze and scrutinize the association’s water use in the community. It is also exploring options for switching out undersized meters for larger ones, and unnecessarily large meters to smaller ones, to balance out our tiered water rates to save money. The LC continues to make progress with its community-wide landscape renovations. The ongoing drip conversions and water-wise landscape upgrades have resulted in a reduction to our water budget of $100K this upcoming fiscal year.

 Safety Committee
o TheBoardofDirectorswouldliketothanktheSafetyCommittee:RonTackett,

Warren Witt & Mike Plue for their contributions made to the community this year. They have been instrumental in onboarding the security patrol and helping evaluate and spearhead some community initiatives.

  •   We Welcomed Heather to the Team
    o Inanefforttocontinuetoprovidetimelyandqualitycustomerservicetoour

    residents, we brought on another on-site employee this year. Heather helps Liz

    with events, on-site office management, and community compliance matters.

  •   Questhaven Park – Pandemic Tiles
    o TheBoardisfinalizingconstructioncontractstoaddasittingwalltoQuesthaven

    Park, adorned with the tiles that residents painted during the pandemic. We’ll

also be making some concrete path repairs and finishing the project by

renovating the landscaping to a water-wise palette.

  •   Community Fencing Repairs
    o Wejustcompletedanextensivereviewofourcommunityfencing(stuccowall,

    wrought iron, wood, vinyl, etc.). We are preparing the scope of work to repair

    and repaint this HOA infrastructure throughout the community.

  •   Get-Together Fund

o WeaddedalineitemtotheeventsbudgetforaneighborhoodGet-Together

Fund. We haven’t worked out all the details yet, but we have set aside $10K to be applied for and distributed in $500 increments to help off-set the cost and encourage neighborhood block parties.

Most of the Board’s ongoing projects are funded by the reserve account, which is money specifically set aside to repair and refurbish our community as it ages. However, vendor contracts continue to increase as they see their insurance, materials and labor rates increase, which are passed along to us. It was also advised by our reserve study analyst to increase our monthly contribution to our reserve account to reflect the rising cost of construction (i.e. more accurate replacement/repair costs of assets). The increases to the monthly operating expenses and reserve contributions have warranted a $5 increase in Master Association dues, effective January 2024.

The Board of Directors will continue with its water saving efforts, and landscape renovations as we head into 2024. Water is one of our highest budget line items, with the biggest opportunity for savings. We will remain diligent in our efforts to operate in a fiscally conservative manner, while also adding services and infrastructure improvements to keep home values high, infrastructure well maintained, and crime low.

The Board would also like to thank Howard Glickman for his four years of service on the Board of Directors. Howie donated countless hours of his time toward the betterment of our community. Thank you Howie!


Board of Directors
San Elijo Hills Community Association


This Website, San Elijo Life, is independent of the San Elijo Hills Association, The San Elijo Hills Foundation. HOA updates are provided as a service to our readership. …Enjoy Life in The Hills.